A lot of exciting developments are happening in the field of anti-ageing studies that may bear fruit in the near future. For now though, there are means of recognising what happens to the skin decade on decade and what we can do at each stage to counteract the processes.
It was thought until recently that the skin’s signs of ageing happened all at once at the age of 35. However, it has been revealed that different cell processes change at each decade until the cumulative effects are evident.
Not all people age at the same rate due to different lifestyles and genetic makeup, but generally women in their early 20s experience a decline in the natural production of antioxidants protecting the cells from damage. Most people believe that the application of sun cream and moisturiser is enough. But this is actually the best time to begin using antioxidant products such as stabilized vitamin C, vitamin E, green tea extract, and fruit acids.
In your 30s, your metabolism slows down. The skin is less efficient at creating collagen providing integrity, firmness and elasticity. The repair process is also diminished. To raise the skin’s energy levels, you can take niacinamide (Vitamin B3) supplements.
At age 40, the skin cell processes are starting to lag. This is when the cells’ powers of division and growth is impaired, the time when the natural life cycle of skin cells is arrested. This can affect your complexion in many ways. To counteract these effects, retinol, glycolic acid and peptides are recommended.
Menopause usually occurs in the mid-50s. This is when the skin barrier weakens, causing the skin to dry and become less able to stay hydrated. Rich moisturisers are recommended, including oils and petrolatum.
By the time you reach your 60s, typically all of the ageing processes accelerate dramatically. Fortunately there are interventions you can bring into play even at this age. Exercise particularly. It has been proven in studies that the protein structure of skin can be revitalised by taking up aerobic exercise. Jogging or cycling twice a week can actually transform the skin of a 65 year-old so that it more closely resembles that of 20 to 40 year-olds!
Of course, we’re not able to turn back the clock and nourish the skin at each of the stages of life mentioned above. We understand that you will want to consider in tandem with healthier living, simple procedures such as dermal fillers and Botox, to achieve a younger appearance. We’re here to offer you a consultation.